I have started compiling the 2025 Southern Alberta car show calendar. Send me an email with the details of your show. bobtruman@shaw.ca So far, there are only 36 shows listed but there will eventually be over 200, so we've got a long way to go. Many shows are still in the planning stage and that includes Spring Thaw, the first show of the year. There is already at … [Read more...] about The 2025 Southern Alberta Car Show Calendar is on display
Feature stories
I’m hoping to see this ’54 Lincoln
When it comes to my favourite classic cars, this '54 Lincoln would be at the top of the list. I received an inquiry from the out-of-province owner about the car show calendar, as he is interested in attending a show or two in southern … [Read more...] about I’m hoping to see this ’54 Lincoln
Ken’s 1928 Ford Model A gets rear-ended
My friend Ken Dreger, a member in good standing of the Vagrants Car Club, was rear-ended while pulling over for an emergency vehicle. The details from Ken... Unfortunately, exactly 1 week ago (Saturday Sept 28 2024) Our girl “Felicity” was involved in an accident. I was stopped in the middle of an intersection on a green light, to allow a Calgary Police Department … [Read more...] about Ken’s 1928 Ford Model A gets rear-ended
Accident Update
People at the High River show were asking me for details of this accident involving the classic truck from Strathmore, owned by Shannon and Harold Zegil. The mishap occurred during the cruise after the Radium show on September 21. Harold Zegil gave me some further details: "We are really banged up and really sore. Have some broken bones and stitches and we are just … [Read more...] about Accident Update
2024 Season in Review
I listed 220 shows on the Southern Alberta Car Show Calendar this summer. This coming Sunday, Sep 28 will put the finishing touches on a great season. That doesn’t count all the weekly shows which would add dozens more to the schedule. The 2023 calendar had 193 shows and in 2022 there were 145 shows. I created posters for 71 of those shows. I stretched the … [Read more...] about 2024 Season in Review
July 27, 28 was a busy weekend – photos to come later
For everyone who is waiting to see my photos from July 27, 28, I will be posting hundreds of pictures from the KMS Tools show and the Diamond Valley show later this week. … [Read more...] about July 27, 28 was a busy weekend – photos to come later
A reminder to read the details
The Carbon Show and Shine was held on Saturday July 13 with an excellent turnout of vehicles. The show was listed on the Southern Alberta Car Show Calendar with the date and hours indicated. It also provided a link to the Carbon show's event page on Facebook. Gary MacDonald, who obviously didn't read the details, went to Carbon but didn't see a show and sent me this … [Read more...] about A reminder to read the details
An early happy birthday to Dick Besler as he approaches 90
Car show season is almost over, but if you see Dick, wish him a happy birthday. You probably recognize his 48 DeSoto but lately he's been attending shows with the 74 Dodge Dart Special Edition while the DeSoto undergoes some repairs. I've been seeing and talking with Dick at car shows since I started attending them a few years ago. Today he was at the West Hillhurst show in … [Read more...] about An early happy birthday to Dick Besler as he approaches 90
Wild Wednesday at New Horizon Mall is permanently cancelled
Update Sep 4, 2023: A new venue for Wild Wednesday has been found A Global News article gives details of the incident that prompted this decision. "Calgary-area car enthusiasts upset as popular car show cancelled following crash." … [Read more...] about Wild Wednesday at New Horizon Mall is permanently cancelled
What do you prefer – Hoods up or hoods down?
Update/Results: 86% of respondents prefer to see photos with the hoods down. In addition to the survey on here, I received lots of feedback from two Facebook sites. The tally as of Jun 28 at 7 am: Hoods Down: 65 Hoods Up: 11 A few people commented on what they like to do with their hoods at car shows. While the comments were insightful and interesting, I didn't … [Read more...] about What do you prefer – Hoods up or hoods down?
Beautiful weather for the start of Cruise-in season
Looking at the favourable weather forecast, I expect there will be a significant turnout for tonight's show at Chestermere Landing and for all the shows to follow this week. Click over to see see the Weekly Cruise-in Calendar. There is a new weekly event which I just listed and it starts next week in Canmore. … [Read more...] about Beautiful weather for the start of Cruise-in season
Countdown to the 2023 car show season
The anticipation is intensifying daily. I hope all my readers made it through the winter okay and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again. The weather forecast for Spring Thaw at Heritage Park on April 23 is improving and Environment Canada is predicting a high of 14°C with partly sunny skies. Best of all, no rain in the forecast. The Spring Thaw event is organized by … [Read more...] about Countdown to the 2023 car show season
Organizing a car show? Check the dates
If you are organizing a car show in southern Alberta, check the date against my calendar. If there are already a number of events on the date you're interested in, consider choosing a date where there are not many shows happening. It's true, there are plenty of old cars to go around, but when we have ten shows on a Saturday, some shows will be stretched a bit thin. If you … [Read more...] about Organizing a car show? Check the dates
It is an ethical and well accepted practice to give attribution when you take intellectual property. I asked the owner of the Western Pacific Cruise Calendar, Bud MacMurchy, to give attribution for the material that he takes from my website, but he said he doesn't take anything. So I posted this phony show (Cadogan) this morning. It doesn't exist, and neither does the … [Read more...] about “Cadogan”
It’s back for 2023! The Southern Alberta Car Show Calendar
The 2023 calendar is in its formative stages, but by getting an early start this year, I hope we can "spread the wealth" and avoid some of those occasions where we were having 10 shows on a Saturday. Last year, we were still dealing with the effects of the pandemic and a lot of organizations were faced with uncertainty and didn't know at the start of the year if we would be … [Read more...] about It’s back for 2023! The Southern Alberta Car Show Calendar