Show day has arrived and my pockets are full of spare camera batteries, prepared to photograph cars at my first ever Radium event. The sun had yet to peak over the mountain tops when I found myself near the entrance with cars lined up and awaiting entry into the big show. At 8 am the temperature was hovering around zero and my picture-taking hand was becoming numb with cold, but it was heart-warming to be greeted by a number of car-show-friends from Alberta.
Entry to the show was delayed by two hours due to the grass being wet and frosty, so rather than wait at the entrance, I took to the streets and didn’t have to ask anyone to put their hood down(well, there was one car with its hood up – can you find it in the photos?) As I walked the streets of Radium, the temperature started to climb, the fog lifted, and the sun made a welcome appearance.
I will be posting two more instalments of photos, one from the show itself, and another as cars were leaving.
Hearing Van Morrison’s Brown-Eyed Girl being played at the show gave me the idea for the title to this post.
(Take note: There are two pages of photos. Scroll to the bottom to click on page 2.)
Thanks Bob. All your posts and pictures have been incredible.